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What to pack in your summer holiday luggage?

What to pack in your summer holiday luggage?

When it comes to setting up a summer vacation, one of the most important factors is selecting clothes that is both stylish and versatile. As a woman with a strong sense of style, it essential to invest in premium pieces that not only exude elegance but also provide versatility and longevity in your wardrobe. Alexandra Dobre understands the needs of independent and elegant ladies who value timeless fashion. In this article, we'll walk you through packing for a summer vacation, emphasizing on fabric quality and how to mix and match them for a variety of fashionable looks.

Classic Tailored Suit – a must-have
A well-tailored suit is an excellent choice for a summer vacation wardrobe. Select a lightweight jacket or a tailored vest in a classic style. Combine it with tailored pants or a skirt made of high-quality fabrics such as silk or wool blends. These pieces can be worn as a sophisticated ensemble or combined and matched with other items to create different styles throughout your trip.
On, you can find different styles of suits in a variety of colors. From the classic black or formal blue to delicate lavender or passionate red.
Beeline Double Breasted Suit is a 3-piece suit that can be worn on your summer vacation as a complete outfit, or each piece combined with another item. As an example, add a tank top to the office pants, the vest will make a fantastic and trendy look with boyfriend jeans, and the lapel can be matched either with a mini-skirt or a silk dress. Additionally, due to the high-quality fabric, the suit can be worn in any season.

On the other hand if want to add some more color to your holiday trip, and if you are looking for more relaxed colors, you can choose. Made from 100% wool fabric, the suit has a distinctive baby blue color that adds visual interest. Combine the baby blue office pants with a basic white t-shirt if you want a masculine look, and the jacket can be matched with a girlish mini dress with ruffles. The suit worn as a complete outfit represents the perfect combination of masculine and feminine. Wool suits are not limited to summer wear only. Due to its quality, wool can also be worn in transitional seasons or in warmer climates throughout the year. Pairing a wool suit with appropriate layering or accessories can make it suitable for various occasions and weather conditions.

Luxurious Accessories:
To elevate your summer outfits, choose accessories that exude luxury and complement your personal style. Invest in high-quality sunglasses with UV protection, a wide-brimmed hat made from natural fibers like straw, and a versatile silk scarf that can be worn as a headband, belt, or wrapped around your bag. These accessories not only add a touch of sophistication but also offer practical sun protection.

Timeless Footwear:
When it comes to footwear, select versatile options that can be dressed up or down. Invest in a pair of high-quality leather sandals or espadrilles for casual daytime walks and sightseeing. For dressier occasions, opt for elegant heels or wedges made from fine materials like suede or patent leather. Choosing timeless styles ensures that your footwear investment remains fashionable for years to come.

Packing for a summer holiday is an opportunity to curate a wardrobe that reflects your style and embraces quality craftsmanship. By investing in luxury garments made from high-quality fabrics, you create a versatile collection that can be mixed and matched effortlessly. At Alexandra Dobre, we celebrate the power and style of strong women, offering luxury suits and clothing designed to empower and inspire.
Whether you're strolling along the beach or attending a glamorous evening event, make a statement with your wardrobe choices and embrace the joy of timeless elegance.

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